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Quality Monitoring of Soil and Groundwater Contamination of Kaohsiung in 2016

The project content can be divided into 10 major items, such as following. 1.Soil and Groundwater Investigating Implemented 4 sites for Soil and Groundwater Sampling analysis;The Farm soil heavy metal was sampling contaminated to assessment for non-irrigating canal in Kaohsiung. 2.Soil and Groundwater Sampling Verifies Implemented 2 pollution control sites for Soil and Groundwater Sampling Verifies. 3.Regular Groundwater monitoring Implemented 88 groundwater monitoring wells sampling and analysis in 3 Industrial Area. 4.Repeal the Groundwater monitoring wells Repealed 11 groundwater monitoring wells. 5.Soil and Groundwater propaganda (More than 200 people) According the item of the first contract change, implemented a propaganda with Eco-Mobility 2017 on earth day. There were 327 people promoted by this propaganda. 6.Soil and Groundwater Campus propaganda (More than 50 people) According the item of the first contract change, implemented 5 Campus propaganda for Soil and Groundwater at May 2017. It including Jhong-Jheng Elementary school, Yue-Mei Elementary school, A-lian Elementary school, Nan-zi Elementary school, Chao-Liao Elementary school. There were 341 people promoted by propaganda. 7.Soil and groundwater representative dolls According the item of the first contract change, making with Soil and Groundwater or environmentally relevant representative puppets 2 sets, the dolls complete at June 2017. 8.Underground Storage Tank Regularly inspected and online declaration During the contract, to “Groundwater Pollution Preventing Facilities and Monitoring Equipment of Underground Storage tank”, implemented 72 Underground Storage tank inspected and online declaration. 9.Review the assessment of Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act During the contract, to “Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act”, reviewed 39 soil assessment reports. 10.Document Review Reviewed 4 reports by pollution improvement completion report, and provided preliminary review advice.
Soil、Groundwater、Industrial Zone